Course Timeframes & Study Hours
Please note that the below hours are just a guide.
Most students will spend less time studying -
the time it takes to complete depends on your circumstances.
Most students will spend less time studying -
the time it takes to complete depends on your circumstances.
International TESOL Certificate: 200 hours Cert IV Nominal Hours: 580 - 650 hours Depending on elective chosen. Diploma Nominal Hours: 1300 hours |
The above hours are just an indication of how long you might expect to spend studying the course. Some students complete their course in less time, for others, life sometimes ends up getting in the way of study and they end up needing more than the above time frames. And that's ok, we offer extensions. Switching from full-time to part-time is free, but if you need more time than the part-time duration, then an extension fee may apply.
The time it takes to complete depends on:
In the past, some highly motivated students with excellent English skills have worked very intensively to complete their Course within 4 to 6 weeks. Other students have worked hard to get it done in 3 to 6 months and others have taken 6 to 9 months, or a year or two. It all depends on what works for you, we'll be there to help you every step of the way.
How does the TESOL course assessment work?You won't be thrown straight in the deep end - we start with using guided tasks and case studies to teach you the theory around lesson planning, classroom management strategies, English language and teaching techniques, resource selection (and so much more!).
We then work with you to develop your skills as a teacher through the practical placement program. This combination of theory and practical is the perfect balance to give you the knowledge, skills and real experience to teach English to speakers of other languages anywhere in the world, regardless of what language is spoken. The course is structured by a series of guided tasks that address the topics of each unit. Your Trainer will be there to answer any questions that you have and also provide you with feedback as you progress through the course. The types of assessment tasks include:
The assessment is competency based. This means that you will be graded as 'competent' (C) or 'not yet competent' (NYC). If you are graded NYC you will be provided with specific feedback about how to improve and given another opportunity to resubmit you assessment. You need to be assessed as competent in all of the assessment tasks in order to be awarded your qualification. You must complete Practical Placement in order to be awarded your full qualification. The International Certificate, Certificate IV and Diploma courses all have holistic assessment. This means that you must complete all assessment for the whole course to be awarded the full qualification (except for Certificate IV and Diploma Unit 1 - TESCIE001 -Create a culturally inclusive learning culture, and Unit 9 - TESDRF001- Develop Resource Files). If a you withdraw from the course after completing the theory of the course, but before you have completed all practical placement, then you may be awarded a few units of competency (depending on assessment items completed). Assessment is submitted via the LTi TESOL Online Student System (TOSS). |